RegLearn by HCLabs Enjoys Growing Popularity in the EU with SAP Learning Solution Clients
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) February 27, 2014
Electrabel, a Belgium-based subsidiary of GDF Suez, recently became the latest HCLabs customer in the EU with their purchase of RegLearn, HCLabs' SAP-certified add-on for the SAP Learning Solution (LSO).
Established in 1905, Electrabel (http://www.electrabel.com) is the largest electricity producer in the Netherlands and Belgium, the largest electricity supplier in Belgium, and the second largest natural gas supplier in Belgium.
As an operator of seven nuclear reactors, Electrabel purchased RegLearn to increase their ability to effectively manage the training and development of their employees according to IAEA requirements. In particular, the add-on solution will provide Electrabel's administrators and managers with the tools and reporting capability to run simulations and forecast when critical skill gaps in their employee population may occur. This allows Electrabel to take a proactive approach in preventing these gaps, which will help the company minimize risk from both a safety and financial perspective and lower their long-term cost of managing regulatory compliance.
RegLearn" is an SAP Enterprise Learning add-on application designed to dramatically enhance the usability, functionality and reporting capability of this LMS, thereby increasing an organization’s ability to effectively manage training requirements for their workforce and improve overall training compliance. For more information about how RegLearn can improve your organization’s training practices and procedures, visit http://www.reglearn.com or email reglearn(at)hypercision(dot)com.
HCLabs recently released a RegLearn video to visually demonstrate the new levels of simplicity the solution brings to SAP LSO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5m2Ug4506m4.
About HC Labs
HCLabs is an SAP partner specializing in developing rapid and innovative enhancements for the Learning Solution based on best practices, regulatory changes and customer demand. Since the 2010 initial release of RegLearn, their SAP-certified add-on for LSO, the technical and industry experts at HCLabs have continued to deliver major improvements in the usability, functionality, and reporting capabilities of this LMS, which has led to increased automation, improved user adoption, and a reduction in the overall cost of training compliance for their clients.
Contact: Richard Schoeneberg 972.816.9690.