hyperCision helps organizations transform their transactional human resource processes into strategic human capital management (HCM) practices. We are passionate about human resources and love helping companies embrace technology and revolutionize their HR delivery processes. That’s what we mean when we say, “Human Technology. Precise Solutions.”
We are proud to have the reputation as an organization with a consulting culture focused on partnering with our clients and earning a long-term relationship with them as a source of the truth and genuine SAP HCM expertise.
No one cares how much we know about SAP HCM until we demonstrate how much we care.
hyperCision has a legacy of success. We were founded to help organizations transform their transactional human resource processes into strategic human capital management (HCM) practices.
Our leadership team provides depth of expertise in complimentary areas and shares a common goal to provide unmatched service to our clients.
hyperCision has had the pleasure of partnering with many client organizations to help them achieve their human capital management business objectives with SAP and SuccessFactors.
hyperCision has created a select number of strategic corporate partnerships that enable us to better serve our clients.
hyperCision is looking for individuals that are passionate about human resources and SAP technology and truely care about client success.